A new way of developing Open Source projects
Guilds Ambassador @Open Source Weekends &
Depeloping people, teams & organizations with
Design Thinking, coaching, creativity and Agile methodologies
CX & Cultural Transformation projects designer
Instructor @Fictizia
OSW History
Open Source Challenges
Time to talk!
Our Open Solution!
We meet once per month to create and contribute to open source.
Our aim for the community meetings is to share knowledge and allow the
ideas to flow.
Everybody is welcome. The only requeriment is to do ethical , non-profit Open Source projects.
Code and Design: Github | License: GNU GPL v3
Meetup members:
Slack people:
Community projects:
Collaborative projects:
Slack messages:
It´s simply and uniquely a group of passionate people that creates a team and work together in an Open Source project.
They develop together an idea and transform it into a project and make it real, thanks to collaboration.
Slack channels:
Active Guilds:
Guilds building up:
Which are your challenges?
You are part of the coordination team of an Open Source community.
You and your team are assessing this amount of feedback (issues to face and solve) before planning conviniently an Open Source projects´program for the community.
You all know that this kind of initiative is very beneficial not only for the Open Source world but also for your community.
We need to ideate easy solutions to blurry difficulties, before starting to plan the Open Source project initiative"
"We want to contribute for the world to be more accesible and collaborative through the Open Source culture. We empower people and teams towards a more creative and innovative co-creation, thanks to a deep learning process, coaching and mentoring support."
Explore yourself. Learn.
Be open to listen to the world.
And re-learn again.