Ulises Gascon Gonzalez
#OpenSource Developer | Senior Software Engineer GuideSmiths| #GDE Firebase | Co-fundador Open Source Weekends (OSW) | Profe Fictizia | Prev: Google, IBM | #Maker
Full Stack developer and proud co-founder of Open Source Weekends (OSW)
Open Source Ecosystem active collaborator
Tech Freelance consultant & Instructor at Fictizia
We meet once per month to create and contribute to open source.
Our aim for the community meetings is to share knowledge and allow the
ideas to flow.
Everybody is welcome. The only requeriment is to do ethical , non-profit Open Source project.
Code and Design: Github | License: GNU GPL v3
Meetup members:
Slack people:
Community projects:
Collaborative projects:
Slack messages:
JavaScript (/ˈdʒɑːvəˌskrɪpt/), often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language.
Each of the many JavaScript engines represent a different implementation of JavaScript, all based on the ECMAScript specification, with some engines not supporting the spec fully, and with many engines supporting additional features beyond ECMA.
As a multi-paradigm language, JavaScript supports event-driven, functional, and imperative (including object-oriented and prototype-based) programming styles.
result = db.executeQuery("SELECT name FROM Customers WHERE id=1001");
// Wait for result
// Do something with result
db.executeQuery("SELECT name FROM Customers WHERE id=1", function(result, error){
// Do something with the result
Source: Ashley Williams (NPM)
23 humans work @NPM
In the las 28 days, npm users have installed 18 million packages
In the las 28 days, npm users have download 6 billion packages
66% of installs are from cache!
39,692 packages publishes/week
39,692 packages publishes/week
4,682 new packages last week
Source: Ashley Williams (NPM)
160 people publish their first package every week
102,460 publishers
314,582 registered users
You can only unpublish your package within 24 hours
You can dissociate and deprecate
The registry is immutable
The registry is fast
The registry is 75% faster than Git
const project = require('pillars');
// Server POO Oriented:
project.routes.add(new Route({
method: ["GET","POST"],
port: 8080,
path: "/hola",
https: false,
cors: true,
session: true
gw.session.counter = gw.session.counter || 0;
gw.html("Hi!!, Your IP: " + gw.ip + " and you are the visitor nbr "+ gw.session.counter);
project.routes.add(new Route({
method: "GET",
path: "/get"
gw.send("Hello, I only accept requests with the GET method");
project.routes.add(new Route({
method: ["GET","POST"],
path: "/getpost"
gw.send("Hello, I accept requests with the GET and POST method");
project.routes.add(new Route({
path: "/switch"
let routeFocus = project.routes.get("get");
routeFocus.active = !routeFocus.active;
gw.send("Now the route 'get' is: "+ routeFocus);
const myRoute = new Route(function(gw){
const POST = gw.content.params;
const GET = gw.query;
const cookie = gw.cookie;
const userAgent = gw.ua;
mobile: false,
os: 'Windows NT 6.1; WOW64',
engine: 'Blink',
browser: 'Chrome'
const id = gw.id; // Request ID
const ip = gw.ip; // Client's IP
const browserLang = gw.language; // Browser language
const cors = gw.cors; // CORS Management.
const method = gw.method; // Method used
const encoding = gw.encoding; // encoding
gw.json(gw); // Return a JSON to the client
const project = require('pillars');
// Server POO Oriented:
project.routes.add(new Route({
method: ["GET","POST"],
port: 8080,
path: "/hola",
https: false,
cors: true,
session: true
gw.session.counter = gw.session.counter || 0;
gw.html("Hi!!, Your IP: " + gw.ip + " and you are the visitor nbr "+ gw.session.counter);
new Middleware({
id: "idMiddleware"
},function(gw, next){
console.log("Hello from the other side, I'm a middleware");
const project = require('pillars');
// http services
project.services.add((new HttpService({
port: 3003
// https service
const fs = require('fs');
project.services.add((new HttpService({
key: fs.readFileSync('./localhost.key'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('./localhost.crt'),
port: 3001
Jailer Simple key checking methodology.
Date.format JS Date format => date.format("Today {Y}/{M}/{D} at {h}:{m}:{s}h and {ms}ms");
Crier Log dispatcher , multi store, tree grouping, formatter, meta handling, error handling.
Eventium Async event manager for Node.js Objects
Install the package
Add it to your project
npm install goblindb --save
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
// Your code...
You have many options to save data. As Goblin is a key/value database you need to know what is the key that you want to use/create.
set(key, data). Write or replace data to a defined key (optional)
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
// set data in db.admin
goblinDB.set({"name": "Ulises", "role": "developer"}, "admin");
// set data in root
goblinDB.set({"hello": "Human...!"});
push(data). Write data in a new key (random name added, like MewhnDIutVhm3hulgTaAJj6Utb47GOwe)
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
goblinDB.push({"name": "Ulises", "role": "developer"})
goblinDB.push(["other-data", true, 123])
/* Console:
{ MewhnDIutVhm3hulgTaAJj6Utb47GOwe: { name: 'Ulises', role: 'developer' },
j3zKjX7WpdTDpRPNVWGE1jPMHEtUPWq6: [ 'other-data', true, 123 ] }
update(data, key). Add and modify data to a defined key
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
goblinDB.update({"name": "CodingCarlos", "friends": ["Ulises", "Jose"]}, "admin");
By default Goblin will create an empty json file as database storage, if the file exist it will added to Goblin.
Return data from a key or the whole DB
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
// {"hello":"world!","array":["aaaa",true,5],"objectData":{"property": 1}}
// {"hello":"world!"}
{"hello":"world!","array":["aaaa",true,5],"objectData":{"property": 1}}
The event will return an object that contains previous data and current data. At the moment the the listeners can be added only to the database root
You can specify the trigger event:
You can use events in order to react to changes in the database. All the events are managed internally by Goblin inside as hooks.
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
goblinDB.on('change', function(changes){
console.log("cambio:", changes)
// more code...
goblinDB.off('change', function(changes){
console.log("cambio:", changes)
You can store also anonymous functions in GoblinDB, we call this functions Ambush.
Once you add Ambush functions to GoblinDB... the system will save them under a .goblin file.
This feature will allow you to bring your functions together with your data to a new projects.
You can perform few basic operations to ambush functions through Goblin specific methods (similar to data ones...).
All the ambush functions has an specific setup. Internally they are objects with specific methods and properties
Add a simple ambush function.
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
id: "simple-function",
category: ["documentation"],
description: "This is a simple function",
action: function(){
console.log("Hello World");
goblinDB.ambush.run("simple-function"); //Console -> Hello World
Add a simple ambush function with arguments.
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
id: "argument-function",
category: ["documentation"],
description: "This is an ambush function with arguments",
action: function(argument){
console.log("Hello", argument);
goblinDB.ambush.run("argument-function", "World"); //Console -> Hello World
Note: Only one argument can be provided by run method. In case that you need more than one argument, please use an array or an object.
Add an ambush function with arguments and callback
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
id: "callback-function",
category: ["documentation"],
description: "This is an ambush function with arguments and callback",
action: function(argument cb){
cb("Hello " + argument);
goblinDB.ambush.run("callback-function", "World", function(data){
console.log("The Callback data:", data);
}); //Console -> The Callback data: Hello World
Remove an ambush function
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
id: "simple-function",
category: ["documentation"],
description: "This is a simple function",
action: function(){
console.log("Hello World");
Update an ambush function
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
id: "simple-function",
category: ["documentation"],
description: "This is a simple function",
action: function(){
console.log("Hello World");
goblinDB.ambush.update("simple-function", {"category": ["updated-documentation"]});
Get the details about an ambush function
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
id: "simple-function",
category: ["documentation"],
description: "This is a simple function",
action: function(){
console.log("Hello World");
var copy = goblinDB.ambush.details("simple-function");
copy.action() //Console -> Hello World
Get a list of all the ambush function available in the database.
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
console.log("All the Ambush functions:", goblinDB.ambush.details());
console.log("Now related to documentation:", goblinDB.ambush.details("documentation"));
Note: You can filter by categories too.
getConfig() & updateConfig() modify/replace/extend configuration.
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
// { logPrefix: '[GoblinDB]', file: './goblin_bd.json', recordChanges: true }
goblinDB.updateConfig({ logPrefix: '[GoblinDB-modify]'})
// { logPrefix: '[GoblinDB-modify]', file: './goblin_bd.json', recordChanges: true }
stopStorage() & startStorage() enable/disable the storage in disk.
var GDB = require("goblindb");
var goblinDB = GDB();
// more code that will not touch be stored in the disk...
// Now the current GoblinDB will be stored in disk and it will keep doing it
Dreams are extremely important. You can't do it unless you imagine it.
- George Lucas
By Ulises Gascon Gonzalez
Pillarjs & GoblinDB, Prototype like a Boss! | DevFest Coimbra 2017
#OpenSource Developer | Senior Software Engineer GuideSmiths| #GDE Firebase | Co-fundador Open Source Weekends (OSW) | Profe Fictizia | Prev: Google, IBM | #Maker